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I am a meditation instructor and a healer from Turkey. I've experienced Verele's family constellation therapy on different occasions. What stroke me most is her powerful presence and passion for personal transformation. Her insightfull guidence helped me to find my own solutions. Without a doubt, people (participants?) will benefit so much from Verele's work.


Ezgi Sorman, Istanbul

Recently I had a session with Verele. She is a very professional counsellor with a warm and energetic personality. She knows exactly when to slow down, or start from another angle during the process she asks the right questions at the right moment and does not judge. You feel fully free to take your time. Everything you say or feel is ok.

If you are afraid to go further in your thoughts or feelings, she calms you with her positive accepting attitude.  You can go in the depth of your emotions, and with her leading you, it still feels light. Slowly you can make a start at unraveling the causes of your emotions and actions. In our session she helped me get rid of a blockage that prevented me from succeeding in my professional life. I am very grateful for that. I highly recommend Verele as your guide during this journey.


Karin Schutler, Amsterdam

Verele hat mir über den gesamten Zeitraum, indem ich bei zur Therapie war, sehr geholfen. Ihre freundliche und verständnisvolle Art hat dazu geführt, dass ich mich von Anfang an sehr wohl gefühlt habe und mit ihr offen über meine Sorgen und Gedanken sprechen konnte. Sie hat mir das Gefühl gegeben verstanden zu werden und mir sehr viele gute Tipps gegeben. 

Auch wenn bei mir einige Tränen geflossen sind, gab es viele Moment in denen gelacht wurde.
Es ist mir nicht immer leicht gefallen, doch Verele hat mich zuverlässig und sehr herzlich unterstützt. Dank ihrer Hilfe habe ich vor allem gelernt, dass man in seinem Leben nicht immer nur für andere sorgen muss und auch gar nicht kann. Viel wichtiger ist es, auf sein eigenes Herz zu hören. Ich merke in vielen Situationen, dass sich mein Blickwinkel verändert hat. Besonders wenn man dazu neigt, sich unnötig viele Sorgen zu machen, ist es hilfreich in diesen Situationen Verele’s Stimme im Kopf zu haben, die einen daran erinnert was gerade wirklich wichtig ist. Ich bin ihr sehr dankbar und froh zu wissen, dass ich mich stets vertrauensvoll an sie wenden kann.


Caroline Weibels, Germany

Since my first encounter with Verele I have been deeply impressed by her capacity to facilitate constellation work either in sessions one to one or in a bigger group.

She has an innate talent to enter in the constellation field and to hold the space with a lot of awareness and deep compassion for the issue holder as well as for the representatives. She is well skilled and experienced in this matter and always willing to help other people in their learning process.

Her knowledge combined with a extraordinary instinct allows her to get to the core of the problem and to lead the client through the healing process in a gentle and sensitive way.

I can surely recommend her as she is committed to her personal inner development, which in my opinion is the main quality in order to be a good therapist or constellator.

On a personal level I want to say that Verele is an amazing, creative, conscious and courageous human being always open to help and support others and always open to learn more about herself and about constellation work.

I am pleased and honored that I have the chance to work with her.


Emaunuela Farolfi, Genoa, Italy

After 30 years of suffering alone with my OCD I was very apprehensive about going for therapy with Verele, I just didn't know what to expect. It felt a bit strange a first but to be honest it was such a relief to speak to someone who understood my situation, didn't just think I was mad! and had a real empathy and compassion for what I had been going through for all those years. Verele showed a real willingness to help and support me. There were a lot of tears on my part but we did have a lot of laughs as well as time progressed.

Throughout the sessions we explored many different ways of accepting and dealing with OCD thoughts and various strategies to overcome them. This was useful as some people may find one idea more beneficial than another.

One suggestion Verele made was taking on board the idea of having a Perfect Nurturer, which could be in any form, to help and assist you to overcome your anxieties. At the time I did draw up an image in my mind of this Perfect Nurturer but now I think Verele has turned into my Perfect Nurturer herself. Very often I can hear her words of advice in my head when faced with an OCD situation that I am trying to deal with, so even though the therapy has finished she is still alongside me with her words of encouragement and friendship.

Mary Watson, Guernsey

The therapy I had been through given by Verele has helped me realise that I am able to conquer my social anxiety and deal with depression. I now feel like I can look at life in different ways with newfound confidence and push past any obstacles that used to hold me back. Verele understood everything I was dealing with and helped break it all down to build it all back up into positivity. My life has changed greatly and I thank her for that.


Chloe Smith, Guernsey

I met Verele a few years ago and as I was stuck with some issues I asked for her help. I found the approach fascinating and very insightful. It has helped me solve the issues that I had been struggling with for quite a while. Whenever I have something that I feel I am stuck with or have questions about, I go to her. 


L K  in  V

I was fortunate enough to be referred to Verele by my GP, and worked with her for approximately 5 months in an environment that was both non-judgemental and empathetic. I found Verele to be both understanding and compassionate. Verele’s personableness and professionalism was evident from the beginning of my therapy, and this allowed me to trust her easily. Verele was evidently both insightful and honest and, in teaching and assisting me to challenge irrational thoughts has helped me greatly in overcoming both my obsessions and compulsions, which has subsequently had very beneficial effects.


N N in G

I heartily recommend Verele Vorstman as a family constellator. Since 2000 she has been engaged with familiy constellations. I have come to know her as an excellent constellator. She has a sixth sense for the core of what is going on in the background of a family. Precarious situations for a client she will treat with the utmost care so that a client feels seen, heard, respected, and above all safe.  

Her know-how as a psychologist is a great asset when it comes to treating traumatic events in a client’s past, whether it be a personal traumatic event or something that happened to parents, siblings, other family.

In contrast to most constellators who stick to one method, Verele is highly inventive and creative in solving constrictions in a family system. She lets herself be guided by experience and intuition. She is always looking further than the standard solution. Therewith she is precise and has an inner urge to really put to use the problem solving tools that family constellation work offers.

I have often seen it happen that people who had done some constellations elsewhere - with nothing solved - came to Verele, and were so relieved that a blockage or old pattern had finally come to an end.

As one of the first family constellators in The Netherlands, and therefore highly experienced, I speak from my heart when I say that she is one of the best family constellators I know. Whenever I have a problem that I think could best be solved by means of this method - which is almost always the case - I turn to Verele. Her integrity, loving attention and skill have never let me down.


Trudy Heemskerk, Amsterdam

Verele is a very kind, intelligent, dedicated, and sensitive person. She is capable of guiding you delicately into fields 'beyond the head into the heart', where you can find the cause of troubles or entanglements. From there you can solve problems and be relieved of the burden they cause. She can combine classical psychological knowledge with family constellations (systemic work). And with a fine sense of humour.

Julika Vermolen, Bilthoven

I did a one-on-one family constellation with Verele.  I wasn't quite sure what to expect, and I was quite nervous. Verele's approach was very reassuring and she managed what was an emotional session with warmth and sensitivity. I can honestly say that the problematic family relationship in question has been transformed, and whilst it may never be perfect, it has improved dramatically and I am in a new and positive place.

Zoe Pease, London

Verele is a very empathetic and understanding person. With her positive and warm personality she created a safe and trusting environment where she helped me facing challenging experiences from the past. She is very professional and likes to think outside the box. This helped me finding peace with lots of things I was dealing with. 

O. J. London

I contacted Verele last Summer when I felt hopelessly negative about certain aspects of my life. I was struggling to rationalise the way I felt vs the way I thought I ‘should’ feel. On the face of it, I didn’t have anything to complain about, but I still felt very upset and couldn’t work out why. It had culminated over many months and was having an impact on family life and moreover, my perception of myself. Over the course of our sessions together, Verele gradually and carefully unpicked the root cause of my feelings. She taught me that my feelings are justifiable and valid, and also provided me with tools to help in day-to-day life. In the early days, she gave me hope that wouldn’t always feel so negatively about things and now, I feel this hope has materialised into true feelings. I have come to terms with the origins of my feelings and can see them for what they are now. I feel empowered, happier and more balanced. Thank you, Verele, for everything you have done for me.

R.H. London


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